Saturday, April 2

Cell phone reviews only

The only purpose for this site is to review cell/wireless/mobile phones. Some phone accessories can be included to the mix, but focus is strictly on the phones. Our site format will have pictures, text and links, no fancy techniques here, for fancy techniques go to MSN and wait for 1 minute for them to load up.

On the sidebar, we list phone manufacturers and those phone models that we have reviewed. Sidebar will also have some ads so that we can order those phone models that manufacturers will not send to us. We have to expect the worst, some manufacturers might not understand the beauty of this site.

We will hold weird competitions and every phone that is donated for us for the review will be give away in these competitions. Try your luck, chances are much better than in lottery.

We will keep it simple. If you ever see us venturing outside the cell phone arena e.g. give a review of a MP3 player, please just put us out of our misery. We try not to harm any animals while creating this site, but it is hard to avoid indirect effects - also I like to squeeze my mouse...

Coming up - Nokia 6100, cell phone review.

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